Baby Life

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Having a newborn for the first time can be a tricky process, especially for mothers. You are probably super excited (a tiny bit terrified) to have your little one around, but on the other hand, dealing with postpartum, health issues, and a whole new life can be overwhelming. You’ve already dealt with pregnancy and labor, but handling a baby is an entirely new chapter. The first few weeks can seem like an emotional rollercoaster, and if not treated right, it can take a toll on your physical wellbeing as well as your mental health. Starting from understanding the mother’s health to dealing with the baby’s needs, you will surely need some help, and we are here to guide you in the right direction. We provide you with hands-on-tips about baby care, feeding tricks, playing with your baby, essential supplies, and much more; All your newborn queries on a single platform.
We are a dedicated one-stop destination for every woman who wants to either track or monitor health-related information across her years. We pride ourselves in being that one place where any woman can enter relevant information before, during and even after pregnancy…with a separate set of special trackers just for her newborn!
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