Master The Art Of Newborn Bathing With These 10 Tips

Master The Art Of Newborn Bathing With These 10 Tips

Cara Havens
By Cara Havens
Being pregnant and having a newborn baby is such a beautiful, life-changing experience. However, many new parents have a lot of things to learn, and that is alright. There is so much information and so many resources out there to help new parents. One of the things that many new parents have questions about is how to properly and safely bathe their newborns. If this is something you are looking for information on, you can learn how to master the art of newborn bathing here today with these helpful tips. Before reading these tips, it is important to remember that every baby will respond to the water in their own way. Some babies will love it, and others will cry. Your newborn baby may take a while to get used to the water.

Frequency of Bathing

One of the things you may be wondering is how often you should be bathing your newborn baby. This is a common question amongst new parents. Newborn babies won’t be getting too dirty. If you make sure to change your baby’s diaper and clean their bottom well every time that you change their diaper, you will probably only need to give your baby a bath 2 to 3 times every week. If you feel they need a bath more often, you can provide them with one. However, keep in mind that newborn skin is sensitive. Bathing too often could cause their skin to become irritated.

Bathing 2-3 times a week is sufficient
Bathing 2-3 times a week is sufficient

You should know that every baby is different. If your baby spits up often or they poop or pee on themselves a lot, you may want or need to give them a bath more often. In some cases, when your baby gets dirty, you can just take a soapy washcloth to their skin and wipe them up. However, if they have had an explosive diaper, as often happens with newborn babies, you may need to give them that extra bath.

Hair Washing

You might also want to know if you need to wash your baby’s hair every time you give them a bath. There are many different kinds of baby shampoo on the market. No matter which one you are choosing to use, you won’t need to use it every time that you give your baby a bath. Some babies are born with little to no hair, so they won’t need much hair washing. The best way to determine when you should wash your baby’s hair is when it feels necessary. Base this decision on your instincts.

If your baby was born with a lot of hair, as some babies are, you may need to wash their hair more often. You will need to determine how dirty their hair feels. Most babies have very soft hair. However, if your baby gets a cradle cap or dirty hair, you may have to rub lotions or oils through their hair and then wash it during their bath.

Begin with Sponge Baths

Newborn babies do have sensitive skin. When you are bathing your newborn baby, at least for the first while, you should only give them sponge baths. This is especially true when they still have their umbilical cord attached. You don’t want to pull on the cord or get it wet. Sponge baths are easy and safe. You can do this while lying your baby on a soft, flat surface.

Sponge Bath
Sponge Bath

When you are giving your baby a sponge bath, be sure to keep your hands on them. Even if you have them on a flat, soft surface, they could still roll around. You don’t want them to fall or get even dirtier, especially when you are trying to get them clean.

Bathing After Sponge Baths

Baby life includes many decisions. One of the decisions that you will need to make is when the first you are going to give your baby a regular bath will be. For the most part, babies can take a bath after they have lost their cord. With this being said, you will want to use the sink, a plastic tub. Or a bathinette. You will want to line these with a towel, so your baby is safer and more comfortable. No matter which option you choose, there should only be approximately 2 inches of water.

You will probably be helping your child take baths for at least five years, maybe more. As they get a bit older, you can add more water to their bath. Even then, however, you will want to keep an eye on your child to be sure they are safe in the water.

Warm Water

When you are bathing your newborn baby, you will want to make sure you are using warm water. There should be no draft in the room where you are bathing your baby, either. The water should not be too cold or too hot. Lukewarm water is the best option when bathing a newborn baby.

If you are unsure of what temperature the water is in your baby’s bath, you can use a thermometer to check the water before putting your baby into it. The water should be about 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This will prevent the water from being too cold or too hot.

Be Prepared

When you are bathing your newborn baby, you always want to be prepared. Before you get them ready for their bath, you should make sure you have their clothes, a towel, cream, lotion, diaper, or anything else that you will need right after they get out of the bath. By being prepared, you won’t have to worry about carrying your baby around, looking for what is needed.

Being prepared is the key
Being prepared is the key

In time, you will learn what all you are going to need for your baby during and right after their bath. You won’t have to keep taking your baby out of the bath because you forgot to grab something. You may even start leaving everything that you are going to need in the room where you are giving your baby baths.

Prevent Chills

If you are concerned that your newborn baby will become chilly during their bath, one of the things that you can do is to put a wet, warm washcloth over their stomach. This will help them to stay a bit warmer during their bath. If the water is the proper temperature and you aren’t taking too long to give your baby a bath, this shouldn’t be a problem.

Some babies tend to get colder much easier. If this is the case, you can give your baby shorter baths, so they don’t get chilly.

Sponges or Softer Washcloths

As previously mentioned, newborn babies do have sensitive skin. Due to this fact, you will want to use sponges or softer washcloths when bathing your newborn baby. You will want to do this, so you don’t irritate your baby’s skin. Be sure that you softly rub the sponge or softer washcloth over your baby’s skin. Don’t scrub too hard.

If you are using regular washcloths, this could cause your baby’s skin to become scratched. It is important to make sure the washcloth is soft enough to keep their sensitive skin protected.

Get Into All the Crevices

When it comes to newborn bathing, there are going to be many crevices that need to be cleaned. Many babies have little rolls on their legs and their necks are so small. You will need to make sure you clean all these areas. Check between their toes and fingers, behind their ears, under their arms, and in these folds. Sometimes debris will collect in these places. You should also keep in mind that bathing a newborn should be short. Once you have cleaned these crevices, you can get your baby out of the bath.

Always Hold Your Baby

ALWAYS Hold your baby
ALWAYS Hold your baby

Babies should never be left alone in the bath. This doesn’t only include leaving the room. It also means that when you are bathing your newborn baby, you should have at least one hand on them the entire time. Babies are wiggly. They also do not have much control over their body. They could easily slip down into the water. It only takes a second of letting them go. When bathing your baby, don’t ever take your hand off from them. If you need to go out of the room for any reason, take your baby out of the bath and take them with you.

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