4 Ways to Prevent Hair Loss in Your 30s

4 Ways to Prevent Hair Loss in Your 30s

Cara Havens
By Cara Havens
Many people dread hair loss. They might think their hair loss won’t begin until they are well into their 50s. However, the majority of people will start experiencing noticeable hair loss at some point during their 30s. If you are worried about losing your hair, there are actually some ways that you can prevent hair loss in your 30s. By practicing the following tips earlier on in your life, even starting them in your 20s, will help to prevent hair loss. While some hair loss is going to be unavoidable, you can at least push it off for another decade or longer, by following these tips that you read about here today.

Exercise and Meditation

If you are worried that you will lose your beauty if you start losing your hair, you don’t need to worry. There are many ways that you can prevent hair loss in your 30s. Two of the best things that you can do are exercising regularly and practicing meditation regularly.

Meditation reduces stress and in turn hair loss
Meditation reduces stress and in turn hair loss

If you want to avoid hair loss in your 30s, exercise is one of the first things that can help. Many women are stressed, and this can cause hair loss. In addition, anxiety and stress can lead to large fluctuations in cortisol levels. This is one of the hormones that are responsible for preventing baldness. It is important that you keep these levels balanced.

Research shows that exercise can help to relieve and even prevent stress, which, in return, will also help prevent hair loss. There are many different exercises that can specifically help with stress and anxiety prevention. Walking, swimming, yoga, running, and planks can all be beneficial for this purpose. The great thing is that by exercising for 15 to 30 minutes a day, five days a week, you can greatly reduce or even eliminate stress and anxiety from your life. By doing so, you can help to prevent hair loss in your 30s.

Exercise can reduce stress and in turn hair loss
Exercise can reduce stress and in turn hair loss

On the days that you aren’t feeling up to exercising or even in addition to exercising, you can meditate. There are many benefits of meditation, and one of them is preventing hair loss. When you meditate, you are getting your mind and your body into a relaxed state. You are allowing yourself to be in the present moment and to let go of negative thoughts and feelings. These negative thoughts and feelings, when left to build-up in your body and your mind, can lead to hair loss. While it might take a bit of time to become good at meditation, with practice, you can do this. The better you get at it, the more you can relieve your stress, anxiety, and negativity in your life. Getting rid of all of this can help to prevent hair loss.

Using Rogaine

You might have thought that Rogaine was only for men. The truth is that women can use this product, as well. While you should only use the 2% Rogaine formula, it can help with the prevention of hair loss. If it doesn’t completely stop hair loss, it can at least slow it down. It might be beneficial to know that about 25% of the women who used Rogaine found that they not only prevented hair loss, but they actually grew new hair.

When it comes to Women’s Health, you are going to come across many products that can help to improve your health. If your concern is that you will experience hair loss, Rogaine might be a product that you want to try out. This is an FDA-approved product. It is a topical medication that will improve the blood flow throughout the scalp. It also helps the hair follicles to get the nutrients and oxygen they need to stay healthy.

Many women prefer to use foam-based Rogaine. You will just use this every morning and night on your scalp. It is very easy to use and it doesn’t take very long either. You should know that new growth that you experience might not be as thick, but it will still make your hair look and feel fuller. It is also going to help prevent hair loss, as well.

Getting Enough Vitamin D

Some women who experience hair loss have a Vitamin D deficiency. In fact, research shows that many people who experience hair loss are more likely to have a Vitamin D deficiency, than those who have healthier hair. It is helpful to know that Vitamin D can help your hair grow better and healthier.

There are numerous ways that you can get more Vitamin D in your diet. One of the best ways to do this is by eating the right foods. There are many foods that are rich in Vitamin D. Some of these things include tuna, salmon, and swordfish. You will also get more Vitamin D in your diet if you drink more orange juice and milk. You should be drinking these things at least once every other day.

Examples of foods rich in vitamin D
Examples of foods rich in vitamin D

When it comes to women’s health, there are so many reasons why you should be getting more Vitamin D in your diet. Preventing hair loss is just one of them. With the proper amount of Vitamin D in your diet, you will also be able to protect your skin, reduced blood pressure, maintained or improved strength, and much more. If you want to prevent hair loss in your 30s, you should ask your doctor how much Vitamin D you should have in your diet.

For some women who aren’t able to get the proper amount of Vitamin D in their diet by eating and drinking the right things, they might need to take a supplement. With this being said, supplements aren’t always as effective at preventing hair loss. That doesn’t mean that it won’t help, but it just might not work quite as well.

Making Necessary Diet Changes

Another way that you can prevent hair loss in your 30s is to make the necessary diet changes. If you aren’t eating properly, one of the things that could happen is hair loss. Your scalp needs to receive the proper nutrients, minerals, and vitamins in order to continue growing healthy hair. Think about the foods that you eat regularly. What do you drink regularly? If you aren’t eating nutritiously, this will need to change if you are going to prevent hair loss. In addition, you need to make sure you are drinking enough water to keep your skin and scalp hydrated. If your scalp isn’t hydrated, you could experience more hair loss, as well.

Make sure your diet is rich in iron
Make sure your diet is rich in iron

One of the main things that you need to have in your diet is iron. Research shows that people with iron deficiency have a higher risk of hair thinning and hair loss. If you start to add more plant-based foods into your diet, this can help with the prevention of hair loss. Many dermatologists will recommend that you get enough animal products in your diet. The body can better absorb the iron that is in these products. This means that you should be eating more spinach, lentils, eggs, and shrimp. If your iron levels were low, after stabilizing them at the proper levels for a few months, your hair should start becoming stronger and healthier.

Some of the other diet changes that you might need to make include not consuming alcohol, not eating fatty or sugary foods, and eating more fruits. Alcohol can stress out and dehydrate the body. Both of these things can lead to hair loss. Fatty and sugary foods aren’t going to provide your body with the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. This means that your scalp isn’t going to receive what it needs to prevent hair loss.


Women’s health is important in every aspect. One of the things that you might worry about is hair loss. You want to protect your beauty in every way possible. Maybe you love your hair. It might be thick, full, and beautiful. You would hate to lose it. If you follow the tips above, you can help to prevent hair loss in your 30s. While this doesn’t necessarily mean that you will never lose some of your hair, it can at least slow down that process. For some women who follow these tips, they are able to prevent hair loss for decades. Other women might not experience hair loss later in their life, only hair thinning.

Your hair might be one part of your body that you love. This is normal, and it is okay not to want to experience hair loss. Many women fear this, and they would do anything they could to prevent it. The good news is that if you exercise and meditate regularly, use Rogaine, get enough Vitamin D in your diet, and make the necessary diet changes; you can have better chances of preventing hair loss.

Now that you know the secrets to hair loss prevention in your 30s, be sure to share all these tips with your friends, so they can protect their beautiful heads of hair, as well.

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