8 Reasons To Be A Good Example To Your Children

8 Reasons To Be A Good Example To Your Children

By BreeAnn
Our kids are so important and we want to help their self-growth as much as possible. There is more to raising a good kid than simply raising them. We also have to consider what they see as they learn and grow. Since our kids will be around us more than anyone else for their formative years, it is important that we each work hard to set a good example for them to learn from. Sometimes the things that we do stick in the minds of our children more than the things that we say. When you set a good example, you make it easy for your child to learn from you in the best possible way. In this article, we will discuss what that looks like.

It Will Influence Who They Grow Up To Be

One of the biggest reasons to lead by example for your children is the fact that it will influence who they grow up to be. Our children learn so much from us, both good and bad. You want to leave children with a positive role model so that they grow up to be great people. You don’t need to be perfect, but you do need to be the best version of yourself as often as you can. Even if you can’t, try to set a good example for your children.

Kids see so much more than we think that they do, and it is time that we acknowledge that. When we lead by example for our kids, we guarantee that they are receiving a good representation of what a person should be. When you set that good example, you give your child inspiration to be the best version of themselves.

It Can Impact Their Self-Esteem

Many parents make the mistake of thinking that their example won’t impact their kid’s self-esteem, but it really does. A good example that we should all set for our kids is a deep love for ourselves. When we don’t love ourselves, our kids see it. Little girls see their mother call herself fat before telling them that they are beautiful. The ways that we treat ourselves will be reflected in our children, so offer them a good example.

Beyond physical appearance, when children see a good person doing well in life and rising to the occasion, they learn that is possible. They learn that no matter what the bully at school says, they can feel confident in themselves. Setting a good and confident example can help your child to feel better in their own skin. They won’t be influenced to make bad decisions because they are uncertain and instead will grow up to be leaders themselves. Use your child as motivation to be your best self.

You Can Help Make The World A Better Place

Our children go out into the world on their own. From a young age, they will occupy space and take on a role among those around them. When we show our kids how to live good lives and be good people, we empower them to carry that kind of energy out into the world around them. It gives them the ability to step outside and spread that love.

The ways that you influence your child will reflect in the ways that they influence the world around them. A child who is raised to treat others well will be better for those around them. They will be good and kind, and more importantly, they will be empathetic. By showing your child how a good person can live, you will help them to head out and share their good with the world.

Your Lessons Can Help Them Live Happier Lives

Many people believe that happiness simply occurs, and while that might be the case sometimes, it can also be taught. When you are a good example for your child, you will help them to be themselves and support their beliefs. In turn, this will enable them to live better and happier lives. A child who grows up seeing their parents happy and enjoying themselves will be more open to these beautiful kinds of outcomes for their own lives.

When a kid grows up seeing a good person who is also happy, it resonates with them. It shows them that the belief that “nice guys finish last” is a lie. It teaches them that there is more to life than winning or coming out on top. A child who grows up around happy people learns to be grateful for small miracles and will enjoy their lives more.

Someday You Won’t Be Around To Help Them

This can be a hard truth for some parents, but it is true nonetheless. One day, your child will face something and you won’t be there to help them. This doesn’t only mean when you pass away. These moments come much sooner. It will be the moment when they meet their first schoolyard bully or when they have to say no to something that they know they shouldn’t be doing. A good example can help your kids to make better decisions time and time again.

For most kids, a lot of what they learn about being a human being comes from their parents. One day, your child will be forced to make a tough decision and there is a very likely chance that they will consider what you would do. If you have led with a good example, you run a better chance of your children making a good decision. If they can use you as motivation to make the right call, it will help them. This isn’t only true in bad situations either. Even some of life’s decisions will be presented to them and you might be amazed to learn how big of a role you play in what they do.

You Will Define Relationships With Their Friends, Partners, and Families

Kids learn from their parents, particularly when it comes to complicated situations. Instances like making friends, dating, or even starting a family will be influenced by your actions and what your child saw growing up. Your kids learn how to be good friends and good partners from watching you interact with other people. The example you set for your child will influence how they parent themselves as well.

Every person wants what is best for their family. Fortunately, you can play a huge role in helping your child to be a great family member by showing them how it is done. Show them how to treat a partner, the right way to talk to kids, and how to support friends and family. It is these lessons that will shine through in your child when they end up stepping up to the plate for themselves.

It Is Important For Their Development

Studies show that parents can influence their kids quite a lot. Sure, your child might be an individual. It is absolutely true that some kids grow up to be nothing like their parents, even. However, that doesn’t change the fact that you will play a role. The things that our kids see and experience growing up will change how they develop.

A child who grows up seeing their parents constantly fight will likely struggle in their own relationships, or might even become passive to avoid that trigger. Transversely, kids who see parents who work hard and support one another will learn how healthy that dynamic is and seek it out. The strengths that we show our kids will give them a blueprint for how to obtain these things for themselves. Show your child how to be a great person.

It Makes You Better Too

One of the most important things to recognize about setting a good example for your kid is the fact that it will make you better too. There is a reason that so many parents outgrow some of their worst traits once their child is born. It makes you reconsider everything and that can be really good. Sometimes it is nice to focus on what our actions really say about us, and when we work hard to be better for our kids, we are also bettering ourselves. It might start out as a show, but over time, you will realize that you have grown and changed. This is better for you, your child, and your family as a whole. It is important to work on ourselves, so do it for yourself and your child.


Setting a good example doesn’t mean that you have to be perfect all the time. It merely means that you have to try to be your best. Showing your child that you aren’t perfect is actually a really important lesson for them to learn too. It can show them that you can mess up and still keep trying, which is incredibly important for living a happy life. Be your best self so that your child knows it is an option as they grow up too.

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