6 Things Women Can Do to Achieve Greater Mental Balance Today

6 Things Women Can Do to Achieve Greater Mental Balance Today

By BreeAnn
Finding balance is one of the most important aspects of achieving good mental health. When we are out of balance, we will inevitably find that everything that we do feels so much harder. The worst part is that so often we fail to realize that we are out of balance at the moment. If you have found yourself in a situation where everything simply feels like way too much, chances are that you have been out of balance in some way.
For most women, finding balance is easier in theory than practice. That is why it is so important to turn theory into practice to boost your mental health so you can feel good more often than not. Life is hard enough without us making it harder for ourselves, which is why we wanted to share a few easy ways for you to find mental balance!

Learn To Take A Moment

The majority of us run our lives by the clock. While there is some efficiency to this style of thinking, it stops being efficient when we focus more on our next move than on reflection. It is all too easy to want to deliver an immediate response. Time is money, so we are desperate to avoid wasting a single second. The problem is that sometimes we just need a moment to make the right decision.

Take a deep breath and relax for a moment
Take a deep breath and relax for a moment

Every woman alive knows the feeling of being completely overwhelmed. You’re behind on deadlines, have messages to respond to, and your chapstick has vanished from the face of the earth. It’s messy, and it’s hard. It comes with the inevitable feeling that everything is simply too much, and you can’t handle it. This is when we usually either throw in the towel or start half-doing things frantically. Either way, the end result is always a worse outcome than we wanted, which adds to the stress.

Learning to find balance in this kind of situation is incredibly difficult because it is so counterintuitive. When you’re behind, the last thing that you want to do is waste more time. What you need to realize is that doing a quick reset to improve your mental health will almost always help you to get through your day with better results. When everything is on fire, and you feel your mind slipping into a frenzied state, stop everything and take a moment. Don’t plan. Don’t put out fires. Take a deep breath, remind yourself that you can only do so much, and find your inner calm. After you have talked yourself down, make a plan, and take on your day.

Find A Physical Outlet

The majority of us know that exercise is important, but few of us realize just how important. Sure, in theory, being healthier sounds great on paper. It’s a nice thought to be more energized or to fit into that one favored shirt a little bit better. Most of us wish that we could prioritize our health, but most of us are also guilty of throwing our health under the bus if we are tired or inconvenienced.

Any physical activity is good, even a quick evening walk!
Any physical activity is good, even a quick evening walk!

Establishing a gym routine is hard, and frankly, it’s not for everyone. We don’t all need six-packs. Still, we all need to do something. Finding balance becomes much easier when you maintain your health. You don’t need to rush out and join a gym, but you absolutely must find something that gets you moving, no matter how small. Whether it is a short and simple yoga practice, a quick ten-minute jog, or even an evening walk, make the time. You won’t believe how much a little movement can boost your physical and mental health. Even the smallest effort can boost your blood flow, clear your mind, and help you to feel a little bit better.

Stop With The Sacrifice

Finding balance is a matter of creating balance within as well as outside of yourself. Many women objectively know how to handle a situation in a way that is fair for both parties. It is what makes the majority of us so helpful when friends ask for advice. We are able to evaluate a situation, weigh the parties involved, and make a decision that is good for everyone. We know when our friends are doing something that is damaging to them to accommodate someone else, but so few of us are good at seeing it when we are involved.

Find a balance between self-sacrifice and your desires
Find a balance between self-sacrifice and your desires

Self-sacrifice can be a truly beautiful thing. There is a certain power in putting aside your desires to help someone else get what they want. In the right circumstances, it is a great trait. There is a time and a place to put aside what we want and elevate someone else instead. However, that time and place is not all the time or in every single place. So many women will sacrifice their desires rather than inconvenience someone else, and it has to stop. Your mental health depends on a fair balance of getting what you want and deserve, so act accordingly.

Give Yourself A Reality Check

Life is very complex, and it can be that much more complicated when feelings are involved. Sometimes, you might find yourself caught up in a whirlwind situation where something feels much larger than it is. This is why it is so important to take the time to pause every once in a while and really evaluate reality. We are all guilty of getting caught up in the moment and blowing it out of proportion. To preserve your mental health, you have to learn how to take a step back and evaluate a situation objectively.

Give yourself a reality check to get over any anxiety
Give yourself a reality check to get over any anxiety

Anxiety is a cruel trick of the mind that can cause us to spiral with negative thoughts. It is a chemical that is incredibly helpful when it comes to survival, but fairly problematic outside of that. A healthy dose of anxiety can ruin your day and make you feel terrible over something that is not a huge deal. To combat anxiety, you have to question the anxious thoughts every now and then. Sit down and ask yourself how possible the outcome that you are worrying about actually is. Chances are that you will realize that you are worrying over a fairly unlikely outcome simply because you are worried.

Find Your Sanctuary

It is important to have a safe space to retreat to, but sometimes you just need to get out of your own mind. The human mind is amazing, but sometimes when we let it run for too long, it causes problems. Every so often, it is important to take the time to really sit down and get outside of your own head. Different people approach this in different ways. It is simply important to find something that helps you to step out of your life and focus on something else instead.

Read a book in your own sanctuary
Read a book in your own sanctuary

A very effective way to do this that also allows you to relax is media. There is so much power in falling into a good story whether you are reading a book or watching a new tv show. It is so nice and relaxing to just put your problems aside and ride along with someone else’s life for a while. Another effective way to do this is to do a calming practice. Some people enjoy yoga or meditation, while others prefer to spend their time crafting or making art. It is simply important to allow yourself a reprieve from your daily existence.

Turn Insecurity Into Inspiration

There is absolutely no denying the fact that we are all constantly surrounded by media that makes our lives feel downright lame. Movies, modern celebrity culture, and sites like Instagram are great at making us feel like we are not enough. Taking something good and beautiful and turning it into a weapon to use against yourself is the exact opposite of finding balance. In order to live good and comfortable lives, we must learn not to follow appreciation with envy.

Turn your insecurities into inspirations
Turn your insecurities into inspirations

Everyone has something in their life that they wish that they could change. We are all guilty of shaming ourselves for parts of our bodies, bad habits, and more. When you see someone on Instagram who has amazing eyebrows or seems to be living the dream life, focus on what you love about it. Instead of wishing that you could have it, focus instead on the good feelings, the part of you that is excited. We all have something that someone else wants, even if we don’t know it. Focus on the love and positivity that you feel and use it to inspire you to achieve your own greatness.


The reality is that finding balance isn’t a simple process. It is a matter of changing the way that we think about things. Therapists know this, which is why their mental health boosters are all built around changing the way that you think instead of changing reality. The mind is a powerful tool, but sometimes it is up to us to reign it in. A little bit of daily effort goes a long way. Focus on your thoughts and choose to give the power to what builds you up instead of what tears you down.

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