Mental Health Resources for New Moms Who Are Feeling Challenged

Mental Health Resources for New Moms Who Are Feeling Challenged

Cara Havens
By Cara Havens
If you are a new mom, whether you are pregnant now, have already given birth, or you have adopted a child, it is okay to feel overwhelmed. This is completely normal. You might experience anxiety, stress, depression, and/or a range of other emotions. Being a mother is an amazing experience but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with its own set of challenges. With this being said, it is important that you know there are mental health resources available for new moms who are feeling challenged.

If you are a new mother, it can be helpful to know that the internet is a great place to get access to these mental health resources. You can read about stories from other mothers, get information about breastfeeding, have access to professional resources, and so much more. Every day, there is more and more information being added to the internet. This can be a great thing. However, it can also feel even more overwhelming, because you don’t know where to start. With the information here today, hopefully you can get the assistance and support that you are looking for.
Your mental health, as a new mother, is very important. There are resources out there and people out there that want to help you. Feeling challenged doesn’t mean that you are a bad parent. In fact, it means that you are strong. You have come to the right place for the mental health resources that you need.

Postpartum Support International Website

Jane Honikman created Postpartum Support International during 1987 in Santa Barbara, California. The goal behind this organization was to raise awareness amongst all communities regarding the emotional aspects that women encounter when they are pregnant and after they have their babies.

Research shows that 1 out of every 10 women will experience at least some postpartum depression symptoms. Millions of women experience some levels of anxiety and/or depression during their pregnancy, as well. If the mother is feeling emotionally or mentally exhausted, this is going to affect everyone in the family. This is why mental health resources, such as Postpartum Support International, are so important.

The headquarters of Postpartum Support International is in Portland, Oregon. They have members from all around the world. They also have coordinators who live in all of the states in America. They also have coordinators in 36 different countries.

Postpartum Support International hands out resources and information to their coordinators, in their annual conference, and on their website. The coordinators are able to distribute this information to new mothers who are feeling challenged. The primary goal is to help new mothers get the information and help they need to support their mental health.

MGH Women’s Mental Health Center

The MGH (Massacusett’s General Hospital) Women’s Mental Health Center offers top-of-the-line evaluations and treatments for psychiatric disorders related to women’s reproductive functions. Some of these disorders include premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PMDD, mood disturbances related to pregnancy, psychiatric illnesses postpartum, and depression before and after menopause.

The care that is provided for new moms has been researched and supported by various professionals. The goal is to help women who suffer from mental health disorders during and after pregnancy. MGH wants to help any mother who is feeling challenged. They want to help treat mood disorders, so the new moms can be there for their baby or children.

Infant Risk Center

The Infant Risk Center has information regarding various medications that are dangerous when pregnant and/or breastfeeding. They have a call center based out of Texas Tech University. The Infant Risk Center is utilized by nurses, physicians, new mothers, lactation consultants, and others who want to know what medications are safe for pregnancy and/or breastfeeding.

There are certain medications that pose mild to severe risks to babies in the womb and babies who are breastfeeding. If the mother takes those medications, the risk to their baby or child could be very severe. Being aware of what medications pose a risk and which ones are safe to take is very important.

If you are a new mom who needs medications, you might be feeling overwhelmed. You want to make sure that anything you do take is going to be safe for your baby. You can always make a call to the Infant Risk Center and discuss the medications that you need. For instance, if you need a medication for back pain while pregnant, they can let you know which ones are dangerous or safe for your baby.

As new medications are being developed and approved, the Infant Risk Center will be looking into each and every one of these to see whether they are safe for babies who are still in the womb and who are breastfeeding. This way when new mothers who are feeling challenged call the Infant Risk Center, they will have the information that is needed to pass onto these mothers.

Mental Health America

Mental Health America was created during 1909. They are one of the most commonly turned to nonprofits in America when it comes to mental health. While they do not solely focus on new moms, they do have information for moms who are feeling challenged. If you need or want to improve your overall mental health, this nonprofit will be able to help. They are invested in helping every American prevent and treat mental health issues. This nonprofit offers mental health support to all Americans that need it.

Mental Health America has a philosophy that doesn’t leave anyone behind. They believe that people should get treatment for mental health disorders far before their condition advances. When talking about heart disease and cancer, it is best to get treatment early on. This should be the same for all mental health disorders, as well. Mental Health America will start by trying to prevent mental health issues. They will recognize symptoms and create an action plan to stop or even reverse the mental health condition, before it gets worse.

By recognizing mental health symptoms early on, lives can be saved. Mental Health America works to prevent and help people with anxiety, stress, PTSD, depression, and many other mental health disorders and conditions.

If you are a new mom who is feeling challenged by any sort of mental health condition or even symptoms of a mental health condition, you can turn to Mental Health America for the help and support that you need.


New moms deserve the help and support that they need. They deserve to not feel alone. While challenges might arise, you can get the mental health resources and other assistance that you need as a new mom.

Whether you are dealing with anxiety, depression, or any other mental health condition, SAMHSA is able to help you. They can offer you strategies, coping tools, referrals, and other information that you need to help prevent, manage, and treat your mental health issues.


The hormone changes that occur when pregnant or after having a baby are quite significant. These changes can play a major role in your mental health state. If you are a new mom who is dealing with anxiety, depression, or any mental health symptoms, it is important that you get the help that is needed. The National Institute of Mental Health offers the resources and information that is needed to help with the prevention, management, and treatment of mental health conditions.

Dealing with depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, or other mental health changes can be difficult on anyone. However, new moms have different challenges than others.

As a new mom, your symptoms might be more severe. If you start experiencing any mental health symptoms, be sure that you check out various mental health resources. The National Institute of Mental Health can offer you information on warning signs, treatment options, and other mental health information.

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

The Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available to those who need it. The goal of this mental health resource is to help with the prevention of suicide. Being a new mom can have many challenges. In addition to these challenges, the hormone changes that you experience could lead to suicidal thinking or ideations. If this is the case, don’t hesitate to reach out to this lifeline. They are available 24/7. You never have to pay for this service and everything that you tell them will be confidential.

With the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, they aim to help anyone who is in distress and this includes new mothers. They want to help prevent suicide and provide the resources that are needed to those who need it.


Being a new mother can have its challenges. While being a mom is a rewarding experience, that doesn’t mean that everything will be perfect and that is alright. It is normal to need help and support. There are many new mothers who experience mental health symptoms and mental health disorders. Don’t hesitate to reach out for the help and support that you need right away. All of the above mentioned mental health resources can offer you support, guidance, and information to help prevent, manage, and get treatment for mental health disorders.

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