6 Ways To Improve A Weak Bladder After Giving Birth

6 Ways To Improve A Weak Bladder After Giving Birth

By BreeAnn
So, you’ve had your beautiful baby and now you find yourself grappling with a weak bladder. Don’t worry, it’s totally normal. Though it might be a somewhat embarrassing issue right now, there are plenty of steps that you can take to manage your health and strengthen your bladder. In order to get your weak bladder back in line, you will need to focus on removing what weakens it and embracing what strengthens it. Over time, you will find that your bladder is back to normal and you have nothing to worry about. Read on for some easy health tips on how to get your bladder back under control!

Take Control of Your Bladder’s Overall Health

When it comes to bladder health, the fact is that pretty much all of us can be doing way better. For new mamas, it is that much more important to get bladder health completely in line. If you want to recover quickly, then you need to take all of the steps that you can after pregnancy to treat your bladder right. It is not merely a matter of lessening strain, but also a matter of improving the overall health. Healthy organs function better, so do what you can to strengthen yours.

Drinking water is one of the most important things that you can do for your body when it comes to improving your bladder health. Water, as a rule, is good for improving functions all over your body, but no place feels it more than the bladder. Drinking plenty of water is important for keeping your bladder nice and clear. It will help to wash out all of the contaminants and other toxins that would otherwise build up.

In addition to water, taking certain supplements can help to assist your bladder’s concerns as well. Cranberry and D-Mannose are both known to help create a healthier environment within the bladder and kidneys. Cranberry can reduce your chance of infection from certain bacterias, which would otherwise weaken your bladder. D-Mannose is actively able to carry certain bacterias out, which can help create a cleaner space. It is also commonly used as a holistic treatment for UTIs, which can weaken the bladder if left unchecked.

Skip the Diuretics

Diuretics are known for their unique ability to make you pee more actively. They will compel your body to expel more water more readily. This means that you will have to pee more. As a new mama who is struggling a bit with a weak bladder, you probably know by now that having to pee a lot is far from pleasant. Not only will constantly having to pee make you uncomfortable, but it opens you up for more problems.

When you ingest a lot of diuretics and have to pee a lot, it puts a lot of strain on your bladder. Since your bladder will be filling more readily and with more fluid, it is easy to see how it can strain your poor bladder. Think of it as overuse in this case. Since your body will constantly be managing this weight and strain, over time, it will get weaker from use. After pregnancy, this can be a pretty big problem.

Understanding how diuretics impact you is one thing. Understanding where they are is another. Unfortunately, there are plenty of different popular drinks and foods that are known as diuretics. Caffeine, alcohol, and even some foods are known as diuretics and should be avoided. Unfortunately, this generally means skipping out on coffee, tea, cocktails, and even too many berries. It is important to be cognizant for some time after pregnancy so that you can recover more quickly.

Manage Your Coughing

If you are coping with a weak bladder after pregnancy, chances are that you have noticed what does and does not agitate it. Coughing is one action that is very well known to cause problems for the bladder. A good cough can put a significant amount of spontaneous strain on your bladder. In order to avoid this strain so that your body can heal, it is important to keep your coughing in line.

We understand that coughing generally isn’t optional and we don’t believe that a normal cough will cause any severe problems. However, it is important to manage what you can. Avoid areas with odors and toxins that might make you cough. This might mean public spaces where people are smoking or even something simple like avoiding cooking with too many spicy peppers for a while. More commonly, it might mean taking your allergy medication instead of suffering through it or taking cold medication when you’re sick. Pay attention to your coughing and see if you can limit it.

Don’t Lift In A Way That Causes Strain

One of the biggest mistakes that new mothers make after pregnancy involves consistent lifting. Did you know that lifting actually puts a lot of strain on your pelvic floor muscles and can cause you all kinds of trouble? Even worse, most new mamas don’t even realize all the ways that they are doing it. When you’re shambling around, tired from a restless night, and simply trying to get things done, you will find yourself doing things on autopilot. That is where the trouble starts.

As a mom, you will constantly find yourself picking your baby up. Though nothing on this planet will probably stop you from doing that, it is important to limit other kinds of lifting. This is even more important if you are trying to grapple with lifting a very heavy baby! Take a little time to learn how to lift without straining so that you can take on your mama duties without straining your poor bladder too much. Trust us, it has already been through enough.

Exercise Your Pelvic Muscles

In addition to taking steps that you can actively use to lessen the strain on your bladder, you can also work hard to improve its strength. Stronger pelvic muscles are a great way to improve the support and security of your bladder. In fact, they are a great way to recover from pregnancy as a whole and come with some other benefits too. If you really want to take control and help boost your bladder’s strength, the right exercises can help you to expedite the process.

There are many different pelvic floor exercises, and some can be beneficial to you in other ways. In fact, using the right exercises can even limit the strain that your bladder experiences during childbirth. Adding these into your daily routine is a great way to get started. Almost all of the exercises are low intensity and can be done by anyone regardless of fitness level. As you pursue them, make sure not to overdo it. This can result in strain and will actually weaken your pelvic floor muscles. Avoid any websites that suggest pelvic floor exercises while you urinate, as these are actually capable of doing more harm than good. Keep it simple and build up slowly!

Pee When You Need To, Not When You Don’t

One of the biggest mistakes that most of us make when it comes to our bladder is our urination patterns. It is so common to hold off on going to the bathroom when you are busy. It is also common to pee when you don’t really have to. This is particularly common for road trips. However, women are known to do this quite a lot after childbirth because they are so used to frequent urination while being pregnant. They say old habits die hard, but this is one that really must be let go.

When it comes to holding pee in, a lot of people make the mistake of thinking that this is fine. Others, in fact, think that it must strengthen your bladder because of the strain. These beliefs are simply not true, particularly not for women after pregnancy. Holding your pee in is known to put a lot of strain on your body, particularly if you have recently consumed a lot of fluid. This strain will force your muscles to tire and weaken over time, which can cause even more problems.

On the other hand, peeing too frequently can cause your muscles to weaken in a different way. Instead of straining, your muscles will weaken from lack of use. If your body is only used to holding small amounts of urine, it will adjust to fit that requirement. This is very bad and can cause you problems and pain later.


After you have your baby, there are so many things to manage. You must care for your new baby, try to keep your house together, and also manage your own recovery. A weak bladder is a major inconvenience, but it can be managed with a little time and effort. Be patient with your body and do what you can to help it bounce back. You’ll feel better in no time!

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